Air Cannons
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There are four main problems associated with interruption of free flow of bulk solids in bunkers, hoppers, silos transfer chutes etc., as shown in Figures – 1, 2, 3 & 4 below. Please note these illustrations are for general information only.

CLINGING – Figure 1
Material deposits stick to the sides of hoppers. It reduces free-flow. In addition, it also creates possibility of material breakages from sides of the vessels.
BRIDGING – Figure 2
Blockage at the outlet of the storage silo that creates an air filled “pocket”. This results in complete loss of production. This is a common problem where fine materials are being processed and the moisture content is higher than normal.
RATHOLING – Figure 3
This is an extreme form of clinging resulting in reduced free-flow. In this case it requires regular top ups of small quantities of material. This results in production loss. Vibration equipment as a solution can result in huge lumps of material breaking away and blocking the outlet. Vibrators are limited to metal hoppers, etc only.
ARCHING – Figure 4
Type of bridging that occurs at a high level within a hopper/silo. This condition creates a dangerous situation for operators when trying to clear the blockage. Also, there is a possibility of health/maintenance/damage issue.
- Determine cause of the problem – by PJ TECH’s Engineers.
- Engineer a solution based on PJ TECH’s experience.
- Apply our operator friendly solution.
PJ TECH’s Engineers have full technical backup from management to boardroom level. Each installation team is supervised by a competent member of staff, e.g., Contract Engineer. Operation and Maintenance Instruction Manuals in both – electronic & hard copy are supplied with each Installation. Periodic Service and Maintenance contracts are available with each installation.